Being a Superhero isn't easy. With Falcon as their leader, these teen and adult supers manage to protect the city...most
of the time, at least. The Invasion took a toll on both their membership and their energy and most are barely getting by.
However, they are determined to persevere and make sure Rancho Bonito knows that they are THE heroes for the job!
Patrol Members
New Recruits
Team Angelheart
Typical Patrol Activities
Public Relation Activities
City Patrol
Typical Patrols Take Place every day of the week in the evenings. Patrols are required to have at least two individuals. There will be a Monitor for each patrol at all times
Power Training, Melee/Ranged Fighting, First Aid, Team Tactics, Civilian Protection Procedures
Police Procedure Classes
Every Monday and Wednesday Evening at 6 p.m. Precinct One
Hero Signings
Media Presentations
Charity Events